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Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

+38 (050) 554-10-10 +38 (063) 554-10-10 +38 (098) 554-10-10

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Department of Transplantology and Experimental Modeling with an Experimental Biological Clinic


Department of Transplantology and Experimental Modeling with an Experimental Biological Clinic

Vorontsov Petr, PhD

Head of Department

Vorontsov Petr, PhD

Vorontsov Petr
PhD, Head of Department

PhD, Senior researcher, biologist

Popsuishapka Olexii
Senior researcher, MD, Professor, Traumatology and Orthopedics

Junior researcher, ecologist

Junior researcher, biotechnologist (biotechnology and bioengineering)

Laboratory assistant 1st category, veterinarian

Laboratory assistant 2nd category, veterinarian

Romashova Antonina
Technician, economist

Bulavchenko Olga
Animal care worker

Krasko Yanina
Animal care worker

Scientific fields:

  • Development of new and introduction of known experimental animal models (rats, rabbits) in order to study in vivo the effects of drugs and physiotherapeutic agents, unhealthy exo- and endogenous factors on the musculoskeletal system under various pathologies
  • Experimental testing in vivo on animals (rats, rabbits) to carry out biological evaluation of medical devices (various implant and graft) and to study the course of reparative processes
  • Experimental in vitro studies of the effects of various drugs and physiotherapy factors on cultured cells (fibroblasts, chondroblasts, osteoblasts, bone marrow stromal cells); testing in vitro of new implant materials for its cytotoxicity and biocompatibility

Scientific achievements:

About 50 animal models have been developed to study the pathogenesis of various musculoskeletal diseases and the course of reparative processes, including models of osteoarthrosis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, intervertebral disc disorders, damage to vertebrae and long bones, etc.

The department performs in vivo and in vitro bioassays of new medical materials and designs, carries out morphometric measurements (somatometry, organometry, osteometry) to quantify the structural changes that occur in the animal body and organs after modeling various pathologies and effect of the studied factors (Certificates of conformity of the measurement system to the requirements of DSTU ISO 10012:2005 «Measurement management system. Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment», No. 01-0019/2019 and No. 01-0020/2019 from 2019.02.08).

Experimental biological clinic is equipped with the operating and X-ray rooms. There are 3 veterinarians in the department staff; they provide a skilled level of the experimental studies. The experimental process is organized in accordance with the requirements of the European convention for the protection of vertebrate animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes (Strasbourg, 1986), «Good Laboratory Practice» (SТ-G МHU 42-6.0: 2008), national standard DSTU ISO 10993 «Biological evaluation of medical devices». Certified equipment and compliance with international standards ISO 13485-2005, ISO 9001-2009 allow the department to work in the fundamental and clinical directions with bone allogenic implants and stem cell cultures (according to CMU Resolution No. 695 from 2000.04.24).

The department scientific and practical activities are associated with all departments of the Sytenko Institute as well as with other domestic and foreign institutes, universities and clinics (including researches supported by STCU grants – projects # 3174, # 4231).

The department published 6 monographs, 25 patents for invention, 165 articles, 2 methodical recommendations, 15 innovations during the past 20 years.