Biomechanics Laboratory
Biomechanics Laboratory:

Head of Department
Tiazhelov Oleksii, DMSc, Professor
Tiazhelov Oleksii
DMSc, Professor, Head of Department
Bitsadze Marianna
Researcher, PhD
Subbota Ihor
Junior Researcher
Yaresko Oleksandr
Junior Researcher
Zynchenko Vita
Laboratory Assistant
Sytenko Oleksandr
Chief Researcher, PhD
Sytenko Taras
Junior Researcher
- Development of equipment for experimental research;
- Experimental study of the biomechanics of surgical interventions on the musculoskeletal system;
- Biomechanical study of limb segment immobilization devices;
- Modeling on animals of the developed means of surgical interventions of the musculoskeletal system
- Conceptual modeling of normality and pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
- Mathematical modeling of normal and pathological situations of the musculoskeletal system and means of their treatment;
- Development of computer programs for patient examination.
- Biomechanical substantiation of surgical interventions on the spine;
- Biomechanical substantiation and development of surgical interventions on large joints and long tubular bones;
- Study of biomechanical principles of treatment of patients with combined injuries of the musculoskeletal system (polio, cerebral palsy, etc.)
- Creation of models for planning reconstructive surgeries;
- Study of the functions of the connective tissue in normal and pathological conditions;
- Development of new devices for examination of patients;
- Development of new examination methods and diagnostic criteria.