Scientific and Organisational Department
Scientific and Organisational Department
The department was founded in 1929 under the title «The department of social hygiene, periphery and human resources» and was headed by K.l. Ostapko. Later it was headed by F.Je. Eljashberg, PhD, A.O. Kravcheko, PhD, H.P. Ickova, PhD, Professor H.l, Fadejev, DMSc, V.O, Berdinikov, DMSc, M.P. Gurjanova, V.i, Krupenja, PhD, Professor D.O, Jaremenko.
Nowadays the major department areas of research include medical and social aspects of disabilities, caused by traumas and orthopedic diseases, enhancement of first aid and specialized orthopedic aid rendered to patients. Within many years the department has studied the issues of traffic accident injuries.
The department organizes implementation of the Institute’s developments into the clinical and preventive practice, provides follow-on supervision of the innovative process, and operation of the respective areas.
The department organizes methodic training of orthopedists in doctoral, postgraduate and resident studies, as well as informational and training courses on the current issues of orthopedics and traumatology.
The department provides holding of forums, scientific conferences, symposiums and seminars for Ukrainian specialists, as well as celebration of professional holidays such as Orthopedist Holiday for the specialists of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region.
The department publishing activities include preparation and publishing of conference materials, methodic recommendations, informational lists, informational letters, etc.
Department specialists give speeches on TV, lecture at continuing education courses on the issues of traumatism prevention, rendering specialized medical aid at car accidents, etc., they take part in all-Ukrainian and regional orthopedic councils, in the collegiums of Kharkiv region and city health administrations.