- Scientific and Practical Conference in a Hybrid Format (Offline and Online) “TREATMENT OF COMBAT TRAUMA AND ITS CONSEQUENCES” with International Participation. 160th Anniversary of the Birth of the Renowned Orthopedic Traumatologist Professor K.F. Wegner
- Master class “Therapeutic and diagnostic blockades in the clinical practice of a spine specialist (degenerative spine diseases)” offline.
- Photo report of the scientific and practical conference ‘Neurological aspects of the consequences of musculoskeletal system damage in combat trauma’
- Official invitation to the webinar “Connections”
- On 10 September 2024, the Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine held an offline master class “Diagnosis and Treatment of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumours”.
- Scientific and practical conference “Neurological aspects of the consequences of musculoskeletal system damage in combat trauma”
- The Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine plans to hold a master class “Diagnosis and Treatment of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors” on September 10, 2024, offline.
- Scientific and Practical Conference “Orthopedic and Traumatology Service in Institutions of Different Levels Today. Cooperation and consistency”
- International scientific and practical conference in a mixed format (offline and online) «Complications and mistakes in total joint arthroplasties (prevention and management)»
- The program for 19 Minimal Invasive Spinal Surgery Symposium.
- Welcome to register for 19 Minimal Invasive Spinal Surgery Symposium.
- Sytenko Institute Conference: Advanced Treatment Of Hip, Knee & Shoulder
- International Conference “Advanced Treatment of Hip, Knee and Shoulder Pathology”
- Moving the date of the nineteenth scientific symposium “Minimally invasive spine surgery and instrumental.”
- The Complex Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty
- Scientific and practical activities of the State Institution “IPHS named after prof. M.I. Sitenko NAMS of Ukraine “in 2021
- 18th International Symposium “Minimally Invasive and Instrumental Spine Surgery”
- Scientific and Practical Conference “The Modern Studies in Orthopedics and Traumatology”. The five scientific readings, devoted to the memory of Acad. O.O. Korzh.
- Scientific and Practical Conference «Topical Issues in Treatment of Joint Pathologies and Arthroplasty» (Preview)