Master class “Therapeutic and diagnostic blockades in the clinical practice of a spine specialist (degenerative spine diseases)” offline.

Dear colleagues!
The State Institution “Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” plans to hold a master class “Therapeutic and diagnostic blockades in the practice of spine specialists” on December 3, 2024. a master class “Therapeutic and diagnostic blockades in the clinical practice of a vertebrologist (degenerative diseases of the spine)” offline.
80 80, Hryhoriia Skovorody str, Kharkiv, Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
Link to testing
Program of the event:
The master class will be conducted by Oleksandr Perfiliev, orthopedic traumatologist of the highest category, PhD, Senior Researcher at the Department of Spinal Injuries and Diseases of the State Institution “Sitenko Institute of Spine and Traumatology”.
We invite orthopedic traumatologists, neurologists, and interns to participate.
Participants of the event receive 10 CPD points.
The registration fee is UAH 700, for interns – UAH 350. It is to be paid to the Privat Bank card 5168 7451 0611 2359 to Inna Golubeva. Be sure to indicate the purpose of payment – for training.
Registration on the website at the link:
Golubeva Inna Valeriivna 099 61 62 491, 098 931 72 33
Maryna Oleksandrivna Bludova 097586 56 56