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Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

+38 (050) 554-10-10 +38 (063) 554-10-10 +38 (098) 554-10-10

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Economic department


Economic department

Deputy Director for Economic Affairs

Moskalenko Liubov

Moskalenko Liubov
Deputy Director for Economic Affairs, principal economist

Konoplia Nataliia
Economist ІІ Category

Haplievska Alina
Economist ІІ Category

The economic department was founded in 1994 in order to provide efficient and target-specific use of budget funds, directed at development of the scientific research and clinical base of Sytenko Institute.

The work of the department is directed at gradual increase of state funds allocation, their effective usage for provision of higher quality of work and medical services.

The major achievements include preserving of scientific staff potential by means of efficient financial planning, increase of the Institute financing.