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Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

+38 (050) 554-10-10 +38 (063) 554-10-10 +38 (098) 554-10-10

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Extraordinary meeting of the Council of Young Scientists

On September 4, 2021, an extraordinary meeting of the council of young scientists of the State Institution “IPHS named after prof. E. Sytenka NAMS of Ukraine “on which the report on the work of the chairman of the council of young scientists MD Bondarenko S.E.
The re-election of the chairman of the council of young scientists was initiated. During the election process, Yakushkin E.Y. was unanimously elected chairman of the council of young scientists and KATSALAP E.S.

Голова ради молодих вчених

Yakushkin Yevhen

Yakushkin Yevhen

Секретарь ради

Katsalap Yelyzaveta

Katsalap Yelyzaveta