On 28 November, Professor Stanislav Bondarenko, Director of the State Institution «Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», spoke at an international webinar organised by the European Hip Society.

On 28 November, Professor Stanislav Bondarenko, Director of the State Institution «Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», spoke at an international webinar organised by the European Hip Society. The event was dedicated to the latest technologies in revision hip arthroplasty.
Professor Bondarenko presented his report on “Aseptic loosening of acetabular and femoral components in cementless total hip arthroplasty”, in which he reviewed an interesting clinical case and modern approaches to the treatment of this pathology at our Institute.
The webinar brought together leading specialists from all over the world, including such prominent experts as EHS President Prof Eleftherios Tsiridis (Greece), President Elect Prof Fares Haddad (UK), Prof. Oliver Marin-Pena (Spain), Prof Francesco Benazzo (Italy) and other leaders in the field of arthroplasty.
The webinar can be viewed here: